I went to Chattanooga for a job interview. It was not a supervisor position, but another hub operator position. It went well... Very well. I went into it, thinking I was hot stuff, and found out that I was. Not "savior of the world" hot stuff, but pretty hot. I met with the supervisor there, who was extremely nice. Sitting in the conference room at NewsChannel 9, looking over this guy's shoulder at the rolling green mountains, I knew that I could find this to be an acceptable base of operations. While impressed with all the skills I already had, this supervisor guy told me there are more skills I could pick up, while flying under his wing. It was so tempting, and I knew when I left to go back to West Palm, that I was like that old Eagles song... "Yes I'm already gone..."
I had to go back and drop the big news to my co-workers. It was awkward for me, as they had become a second family. I didn't expect some big crying party, which is good, because how weird would that be. A quiet parting of ways... which was good for me, since I am kind of like that old Whitney Houston song. "I get so emotional, baby!"
It was weird to leave something I helped build up. I wondered if they would be alright without me, as I had become a major player in the Hub. Fortunately for everyone involved, I have a lot of different skills and clutch plays, and I love showing them off. Of course they picked these skills up... They are Hub Life! Besides... I picked up a lot of those skills and clutch plays from them! I left there knowing that they would be just fine, because that's how we rolled in the Hub. Why would they stop?
After "The Decision" (hee hee), I was there for another two months. Part of being an internal transfer is making sure your previous duty station is OK without you. I stayed long enough to cover all the operators going on vacation, including myself. In the end, it was as much for me, as it was for them. Honestly, I did not want to leave "The Golden Metropolis".
I took my vacation 2 weeks before I left Florida. I mostly spent my time with family, since I don't see them at all. I got some time with friends too, but it was fleeting moments. I got to see my daughter graduate high school and nursing school in the same week. Who gets to do that? When it comes to diplomas, my daughter is "two-fisted". How cool is that? I'm going to get put in a good home someday...

Next stop... Chattanooga...
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